Market reports Germany
Find out more about the latest developments in the investment, office, logistics, retail, hotel, healthcare and residential real estate markets to base your property decisions on a strong foundation of solid market information.
To keep our quarterly reports on the real estate market up to date at all times, our BNP Paribas Real Estate research team works hand in hand with the interdisciplinary network formed by our divisions and locations. Our highly qualified and experienced staff provide you with an extensive overview of property-related developments throughout Germany and details of the real estate markets of the largest German cities. Our comprehensive expertise and market presence nationwide enable us to provide reliable answers to your local and individual questions at any time.

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Market reports for specific asset classes
Whatever asset class sparks your interest, our current market data is sure to help you make the right decisions! When compiling our information, we observe the individual asset classes throughout Germany on a quarterly basis. We also focus our attention on gathering specific data for major German cities.
Find up-to-date facts and figures for each asset class in our latest market reports:
Market reports for specific cities
Are you interested in a specific location? No problem at all! With our quarterly market reports, we keep you up to date with the latest developments in Germany’s largest cities. We also provide an insight into the exciting figures of the Ruhr district and other interesting locations throughout Germany.
Take a look at our current market reports for specific areas of Germany: