At a Glance Q2 2019

Footfall report Heidelberg

Retailmarkt Heidelberg


The number of pedestrians on Heidelberg's main street has been relatively constant for years, ranging from 4,000 to 5,000 per hour. With a figure of 4,300, the current footfall count lies exactly within this range, and in a nationwide comparison works out at 49th place and hence a midfield position. The number of individuals is extremely stable - especially in light of the considerable length of the 2 km Hauptstraße.  Accordingly, there is demand for shops in this location, be it suppliers from the clothing or Bodycare/Healthcare sector who prefer the west end, or food and beverage outlets who tend to want representation in the tourism-oriented eastern end. Due to the healthy fluctuation of tenants, there are always opportunities for new entrants. For example, since spring, Dutch department store Hema has occupied space formerly used by H&M at number 37, while the expanding US Burger chain Five Guys will open in the former Dielmann shoe store in the second half of the year.

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