At a Glance Q2 2019

Footfall report Trier

Retailmarkt Trier


Due to the healthy balance between supply and demand, top rents for a typical 100 m² shop in Trier's city centre are consistently level compared to the previous year. Only in Brotstraße is there a slight dip of 5€ to 110 €/m². The most expensive city locations with 125 €/m² can still be found in Grabenstrasse as well as at Hauptmarkt.  The highest footfall was again measured at the junction between the latter and Simeonstrasse, with a good 5,600 pedestrians per hour. This puts this location within the top 25 German shopping streets - a more than remarkable result against the background of Trier's low population. The Posthof, located opposite the Kornmarkt, is the main source of market momentum in the first half of the year. After the Italian restaurant Treza opened 300 m², two further retailers secured space in the property: confectioner Cupcake Kitchen (145 m²) and the wine shop Winebank (500 m²), the leasing of which is the biggest deal of the year to date. Another opening took place in Viehmarktstraße, with the launch of WonderWaffel which is pursuing its nationwide expansion strategy.

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