Gebäude Glassfassade

Investment Dashboard

The slight upturn in the investment markets that was already evident at the start of the year continued to accelerate in the second quarter. As a result, the total commercial investment volume in the first half of 2024 amounted to €12.2 billion. Compared to the previous year, this corresponds to an increase in turnover of around one third. In the portfolio segment, the transaction volume has actually more than doubled. Even if turnover is still moderate in the long term, a clear upward trend can be seen. Having analysed and considered the various parameters, we expect to see a step-by-step recovery in the investment markets in the second half of 2024, which should accelerate towards the end of the year. Developments on the office investment market are likely to remain difficult for some time, even if the first positive signs are recognisable, while interest in other asset classes will continue to increase noticeably. As a result, investment turnover is also expected to rise. Although it remains extremely difficult to make a forecast in the current environment, an increase in turnover of 25 to 30 % seems entirely possible from today's perspective.

State of data: H1 2024

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