At a Glance Q4 2018

Hotel investment market Germany

Hotel-Investmentmarkt Deutschland


With an investment volume of more than 4 bn €, hotel investments exceed the 4 bn € hurdle for the fourth time in succession. Compared with the previous year, earnings were down just under 4 %, although this was not due to any decline in demand, but rather to limited supply, especially in the Core and Core-Plus segment. A total of around 130 transactions were recorded, slightly more than in the previous year. Accordingly, the average volume per sale was around 31 m €, a good 8 % below the previous year's level. However, a somewhat different picture emerges for individual hotel sales: A new sales record of around 3.2 bn € was even set here. Since 2010, this segment has recorded continuous growth rates, to which a whole series of larger hotel deals with more than 100 m € contributed in 2018. These include the Hotel Bristol in Berlin, the Maritim Hotel am Heumarkt in Cologne and the Leonardo Royal Hotel Munich. In the case of the portfolios, on the other hand, sales remained almost a quarter below the previous year's figure at around 820 m €. Especially here there was a lack of larger packages.

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