At a Glance Q3 2023

Investment market Cologne

Investmentmarkt Köln


The investment market in Cologne has seamlessly lined up with the weak results of the major German investment locations. Cologne continues to suffer from the combination of high interest rates, a weakening economy and a lack of supply, especially in the large-volume segment. Against this background, it is not surprising that the transaction volume to date has been very moderate at just €340 million. Compared with the same figure for the previous year, this represents a decline of 53%. In relative terms, Cologne is therefore doing better than most of the other A-locations, where transaction losses are significantly higher. The fact that it is still a weak result is underlined by the fact that the ten-year average has been missed by 69%. As in the previous year, the Cologne market is mainly affected by the lack of major deals. In the current year, for example, no deal in the triple-digit million range has yet been registered. Typically, this market segment accounts for around a quarter of the investment volume.

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