The relatively weak development of turnover in Cologne's investment market continued in the final quarter. As in the other major locations, the usual year-end rally was absent in the Cologne market, although there was a slight upturn in transactions in the last three months. With a transaction volume of €609 million, the previous year's result was missed by 46% and marked the weakest performance in the last ten years. The ten-year average was even undercut by a good two-thirds. The mix of high interest rates, a slowing economy and a decline in supply due to lower prices also had a negative impact. The price phase, which lasted throughout the year, led to almost no high-quality core supply and no major transactions. As a result, Cologne ranks last among Germany's prime locations. In relative terms, Cologne is in a comparatively good position with a decline of 'only' 46%. All other cities recorded higher losses in turnover.