At a Glance Q3 2019

Investment market Frankfurt

Investmentmarkt Frankfurt


The Frankfurt investment market remains one of the most important investment targets for investors. With a transaction volume of a good €4.13 billion, the record level achieved last year was missed by 39%, but this cannot be used as a benchmark due to a whole series of exceptional large deals. This is also demonstrated by the fact that the current result has exceeded the ten-year average by a proud 31% and represents the third-best volume of the last ten years. In a nationwide comparison, Frankfurt is currently ranked bronze behind Berlin and Munich. Investor interest, especially in large-volume properties in the banking metropolis, remains very high, as can be seen from the seven individual transactions that have already been carried out in the three-digit million range. This trend will continue in the final quarter of the year. The most important deals include the transactions of Frankfurter Welle, Taunusanlage 8 (T8) and MAC at the airport. The market has also benefited extensively from portfolio sales, which contribute almost 19% to the result. 

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