At a Glance Q1 2021

Investment market Munich

Investmentmarkt München


The Munich investment market starts the new year with a transaction volume of €704 million. Compared with the exceptional first quarter of the previous year, this represents a significant decline of 39%, and the long-term average is also missed by more than a third. However, as it is a Q1 result only, it must be interpreted first of all as a snapshot that does not yet say much about the expected annual result. In 2019, when the Munich investment market set its all-time high of over €10 billion in transaction volume, only €617 million was registered in the first quarter, 14% less than currently. One of the reasons for the moderate performance to date is most of all the lack of major deals in the triple-digit million range . As in the other A-cities, the very good prior-year result was also determined by major portfolio sales, which are currently also still lacking. In a nationwide comparison, Munich nevertheless ranks third with the volume achieved, behind Berlin and Frankfurt.

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