At a Glance Q3 2023

Investment market Munich

Investmentmarkt München


At the beginning of the second half of the year, there have been no signs of a sustained reversal of the trend in transaction activity on either the national or the Munich investment market. Thus, with a total investment volume of just under €1.1 billion, the Bavarian capital continues to remain well below the comparable result for the previous year (-64%) and the long-term average    (-71%). On a positive note, however, Munich is the only top market apart from Berlin (around €2.5 billion) to exceed the €1 billion mark after three quarters. Thus, although the financial market-driven adjustment processes continue to have a considerable impact on the Munich market, the city still compares very favorably with other locations. Furthermore, it is encouraging that one of the largest deals in the third quarter was attributable to the Munich market area with the project participation in the Bruckmann Quartier by the family office Athos. Overall, single transactions generated almost the entire volume, at just over one billion euros.

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