At a Glance Q2 2023

Investment market Stuttgart

Investmentmarkt Stuttgart


In the first half of the year, market activity on the commercial investment market was decisively influenced by the challenging financing environment and the overall economic situation, both nationwide and in the individual top markets. Against this background, it is not surprising that the volume of transactions on the Stuttgart investment market in the first half of the year was relatively low compared with the previous year and also in a long-term comparison. A total of around €420 million was invested in the capital of Baden-Württemberg, giving Stuttgart an interim result comparable to the A-cities of Hamburg (€464 million), Düsseldorf (€461 million) and Frankfurt (€444 million), which all achieved volumes of between €400 and €500 million. This also underlines the location-independence of the difficult investment market environment. With a low number of transactions, the average volume per deal (€42 million) was comparatively high, to which the disposal of the Calwer Passage in the second quarter was a major contributor.

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