At a Glance Q1 2022

Logistics investment market Germany

Logistik-Investmentmarkt Deutschland


In the first three months of the current year, the logistics investment market seamlessly followed up on its record 2021 results, setting an impressive new all-time high. The currently registered €4.8 billion is not only about 133% above the already strong result from the previous year's quarter, it also exceeds the 10-year average by a staggering 165%.  At €1.7 billion, single investments set a new start of the year record for the third year in a row. This is representative for the continuously growth of investors' interest in this asset class, which is considered to be crisis-resistant. However, portfolio transactions, which generated around two thirds of the investment volume, also contributed significantly to the outstanding overall result. At almost €3.1 billion, they already exceed the previous record result from 2020 by more than €700 million. This was primarily made possible not at least by two transactions exceeding the €500 million mark: The closing of the Deutsche Industrie Reit acquisition by CTP and DIC Asset's majority takeover of VIB Vermögen, both contributing significantly to the overall result. With almost 90 transactions, there were also noticeably more deals than usual, clearly demonstrating how the current market is more dynamic than ever before.

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