- With a take-up of 709,000 m², the Berlin logistics market, driven by the Tesla deal (327,000 m²), achieved a result in the middle of the year which, even as a full-year figure, would represent a record result in almost any of the top logistics markets. It is pleasing to note that even without the Tesla Giga-factory, a new half-year benchmark was set for Berlin and the A-cities as a whole with a volume of 382,000 m².
- Contributing factors included a strong second quarter (222,000 m²), in which a large number of further major contracts were registered with the two deals by Lidl in Werder (32,700 m²) and in Potsdam (26,200 m²), the deals by Chefs Culinar (40,000 m²) and Picnic (31,700 m²) in Ludwigsfelde and Schnellecke Logistik in Rangsdorf (30,800 m²).
- In the course of the very dynamic market activity with short supply and rising construction costs, the prime (7.50 €/m²) and average rents (6.50 €/m²) also continue to rise.
- If one excludes the take-up shares that were significantly determined by the Tesla Giga-factory, manufacturing, retail/wholesale and logistics firms, the three most important drivers of the logistics market, all achieved above-average take-up.
- Thus, industrial companies accounted for a total of 366,000 m² (average: 67,000 m²), while retail companies generated 212,000 m² (average: 110,000 m²) and logistics firms also performed well above average with 110,000 m² (average: 56,000 m²). High demand impulses were observed from the food sector, as the examples of Lidl and Picnic proved.
- The size categories were largely determined by large contracts over 20,000 sqm (almost 72%), which also set a new record with seven deals.
- The Berlin logistics market closes the first half of the year with an exceptional performance, which, in addition to the Tesla Gigafactory, was boosted to an exceptionally high level in the second quarter by a large number of further major deals. Despite all the enthusiasm, however, it remains to be seen how demand will develop in the second half of the year in view of the economic and geopolitical uncertainties.
- On the supply side, the bottleneck in the core area has so far been compensated by attractive locations in the periphery. However, as there are only a few speculative project developments here as well, the supply in the entire market area is becoming inceasingly short.
- Against this background, there is currently no end in sight to the further increase in rents.
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Published by: BNP Paribas Real Estate GmbH | Edited by: BNP Paribas Real Estate Consult GmbH | As of: 30.06.2022
Contact: Christopher Raabe, Head of Logistics & Industrial | Phone +49 (0)40-348 48-0
Photo credits: Adobe Stock / JFL Photography; Aleksei