At a Glance Q4 2021

Logistics market Cologne

Logistikmarkt Köln


The Cologne market for warehouse and logistics space had a dynamic year 2021. With a take-up of 334,000 m², a new record  was registered, which at the same time is an impressive 55 % above the previous year's result and exceeds the long-term average by a remarkable 58 %. The outstanding take-up illustrates the high demand for logistics space despite the Corona pandemic and the associated uncertainties. In particular, the continuing expansion of online trade represents one of the main drivers of demand in the market area of the cathedral city. At the end of the year there was also a clear surplus of demand, so that not all requests could be met by the market. The fact that around 53 % of take-up was achieved in new buildings once again illustrates the increasing demand for logistics space with a  modern quality of fit-out.

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