At a Glance Q1 2021

Logistics market Düsseldorf

Logistikmarkt Düsseldorf


The Düsseldorf logistics market has made a dynamic start to the year and, with take-up of 50,000 m², is only marginally below the result for the same period last year (-4 %), which was largely achieved before the outbreak of the Corona pandemic. Compared to the 10-year average, there was even an increase of almost 14 %. This shows that the Corona crisis is currently not having a significant impact on the Düsseldorf logistics market, especially since the overall economic outlook remains promising and the logistics sector itself is counted among the winners of the crisis. In this respect, a high demand for logistics space can also be observed in Düsseldorf. However, this is confronted with a supply that is far too low. There is a significant shortage of space, especially in the new-build segment, which is also clearly reflected in the results: While 71 % of take-up in Q1 2020 was still accounted for by new-build properties, the share is now just under 12 %. At a good 88 %, the lion's share of take-up is generated with existing space.

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