At a Glance Q2 2021

Logistics market Düsseldorf

Logistikmarkt Düsseldorf


After an already good start to the year, the Düsseldorf logistics and storage market was also able to record a strong second quarter. Consequently, take-up at the end of the first half of the year was 111,000 m², 59 % up on the previous year. How good the result is can be seen from the fact that the ten-year average was also topped by 6 %. Despite the Corona environment, it represents the best half-year take-up in the last four years. The supply available in the short term, especially of larger spaces in the city area, continues to be very limited. Thus, it is not surprising that by far the majority of the take-up took place in the peripheral locations of the market area. As expected, retail companies were particularly active and were also responsible for two of the three largest deals in the first half of the year, all of which were realised in the outer periphery. As in many other major logistics locations, companies from the e-commerce environment and the food trade are currently increasingly demanding logistics space.

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