At a Glance Q4 2020

Logistics market Düsseldorf

Logistikmarkt Düsseldorf


The effects of the Corona crisis were clearly evident on the Düsseldorf logistics market over the course of the year. While the first quarter was still very pleasing with take-up of 52,000 m², the crisis-ridden second quarter saw a significant decline to just 18,000 m². In the third quarter there were signs of a tentative recovery with take-up of 24,000 m², while the final quarter, with 51,000 m², picked up where the strong start to the year left off. The fourth quarter alone accounted for 12 of the 36 deals concluded. In total, take-up amounted to 145,000 m², which is only 8 % below the previous year's result. However, as in 2019 take-up was again way below the long-term average. A major reason for the relatively weak performance is certainly that some potential tenants and owner-occupiers have temporarily put their expansion plans on hold due to the uncertain market prospects. In addition, the market is also being severely slowed down by the lack of space that has persisted for years.

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