At a Glance Q4 2021

Logistics market Düsseldorf

Logistikmarkt Düsseldorf


After two weak years, in 2020 mainly due to Corona, the Düsseldorf logistics and warehouse market returned to its former strength in 2021. With a take-up of 303,000 m², the previous year's result was more than doubled and the ten-year average was also slightly exceeded by a good 6 %. Responsible for the significant increase in demand is, on the one hand, the fact that many companies have adjusted to the changed framework conditions in times of pandemic and have adapted their decision-making processes accordingly. On the other hand, there are also sectors that have profited in the past two years and significantly increased their demand. First and foremost are parts of the retail sector and especially e-commerce companies. This is also reflected in the major contracts concluded this year. For example, an e-commerce company in Mönchengladbach leased 23,000 m², but also the deal signed by the logistics e-commerce service provider Ontaro in Krefeld for 19,800 m² falls within the demand spectrum outlined. Meanwhile, the largest deal of the year (46,000 m²) is for the logistics firm Trans Service Team, which is expanding the Intersnack logistics centre in Grevenbroich.

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