At a Glance Q2 2020

Logistics market Frankfurt

Logistikmarkt Frankfurt


After the Frankfurt logistics and warehouse space market had an extremely weak start into the new year and achieved a take-up of only 74,000 m² in the first quarter, the situation at mid-year has become much better. Thanks to a strong result in the second quarter (157,000 m²), the take-up after six months is 231,000 m², only 11% less than last year. This shows that the declining demand in some export-oriented industries due to the Corona crisis was largely compensated by the increasing business of the e-commerce, food and pharmaceutical sectors. The fundamental demand trends remain relatively stable despite the Corona crisis. Apart from the particularly good infrastructural locations near the airport and the city center, there is still strong demand in the entire territory of the north-south axis "Rhine-Main/Rhine-Neckar area" as far as Kaiserslautern. This results from the possibility to serve both metropolitan regions at the same time. In some cases, there are considerations to move to peripheral sites, such as southern or central Rhineland-Palatinate.

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