At a Glance Q4 2020

Logistics market Frankfurt

Logistikmarkt Frankfurt


A take-up of 421,000 m² was registered on the Frankfurt logistics and storage market in 2020. The result is roughly on a par with the previous year (+1 %). In a nationwide comparison, only Hamburg and Berlin recorded higher take-up. After a noticeable drop in demand in the course of the first lockdown, interest among occupiers picked up again significantly over the course of the year. This is also indicated by the take-up in the fourth quarter, which at 88,000 m² was around two-thirds higher than in the same period of 2019. In particular, large-scale requirements and demand for special properties, e.g. cold storage or water hazard classified halls, have recovered quickly and are back at pre-Corona levels. In addition to the traditionally popular locations near airports and cities, the north-south axis "Rhine-Main/Rhine-Neckar area" as far as Kaiserslautern is increasingly coming into focus. The most important deals include an owner-occupier deal by Lidl for 50,000 m² in Erlensee and two lettings by Amazon in Mörfelden (27,000 m²) and Bingen-Grolsheim (15,000 m²).

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