At a Glance Q3 2019

Logistics market Hamburg

Logistikmarkt Hamburg


With a take-up of 241,000 m², the result on the Hamburg market for warehouse and logistics space (including the surrounding area) is still at an unusually low level. Although market activity increased in the third quarter (take-up: 96,000 m²), the result was still around 36% lower than in the previous year and even 38% below the 10-year average. This is also the lowest take-up for more than ten years. The reasons for the development observed throughout the year are unchanged: There is still a lack of supply. While especially in the periphery there used to be a wide range of modern and large-scale properties available, now almost all capacities have been rented out. After the first nine months, this otherwise so important submarket accounts for just 13% of the take-up. The effects of the supply-side bottleneck can also be seen in the quality of the space. More than one third of take-up was generated in properties of only basic standard.

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Herausgeber und Copyright: BNP Paribas Real Estate GmbH | Bearbeitung: BNP Paribas Real Estate Consult GmbH | Stand: 30.09.2019