At a Glance Q4 2021

Logistics market Leipzig

Logistikmarkt Leipzig


Leipzig's real estate markets are rushing from record to record - not only in the office sector, but now also in logistics take-up. With an annual take-up of 505,000 m², an impressive new record was set, significantly exceeding the previous year's figure (+50 %) and outperforming the ten-year average by 91 %. This means that the trade fair city now belongs, together with Berlin, Frankfurt and Hamburg, to one of the few logistics regions in which the 500,000 m² mark was broken within one year. Responsible for the very positive development is on the one hand the noticeable increase in demand, not least from the e-commerce sector, but on the other hand also the greater availability of land compared to other locations. This applies primarily to the northern market area. Demand for large spaces of 5,000 m² and more has increased in particular. The most important deals include the leases of Relaxdays (51,000 m²) in Schkeuditz and CEVA Logistics (35,000 m²) in Leipzig. But the owner-occupier deal by Beiersdorf for 50,000 m² should also be mentioned here.

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