At a Glance Q4 2021

Logistics market Munich

Logistikmarkt München


The Munich logistics market joins the ranks of locations with exceptionally high take-up. A total of 347,000 m² was achieved in 2021. This not only exceeded the previous year's figure by 46 %, but also the ten-year average by an impressive 21 %. At the same time, it is the second best result ever recorded. If one takes into consideration that more than half of the record year 2019 was accounted for by large lettings by KraussMaffei, it becomes clear how well the market performed in 2021. It is pleasing that a noticeable upturn in demand was observed in all market segments. This shows that after the great uncertainty in the first year of the pandemic, users have now adapted to the changed framework conditions and can rely on higher planning certainty. Locations in the  fringe belts of Munich (the so called "Speckgürtel"), primarily the Munich East/North axis as well as in the west to Bergkirchen, were particularly sought after. The most significant deals include a public sector lease in Kirchheim for a good 25,500 m² and an owner-occupier deal by the Noerpel Group in Odelzhausen (25,000 m²).

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