At a Glance Q1 2020

Logistics market Ruhr region

Logistikmarkt Ruhrgebiet


Despite the impact of the corona pandemic, which is affecting the logistics sector to a very different extent depending on the segment, the Ruhr Region can look back on an excellent first quarter. With a total take-up of 171,000 m², the logistics market in Germany's largest conurbation achieved a record start to the year, almost 53 % above the long-term average. The Ruhr Region thus also outperformed the other top markets, of which only Hamburg, with 103,000 m², also exceeds the 100,000 m² mark. Traditionally high is once again the share of new construction, which accounts for a good 68% or 116,000 m² of the total result. One of the biggest deals in this respect was the lease concluded by Euziel International (33,000 m²) in a project development on the former IKEA logistics site in Werne.

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