At a Glance Q2 2019

Logistics market Ruhr region

Logistikmarkt Ruhrgebiet


With a total take-up of 262,000 m², the market for warehousing and logistics space in the Ruhr area, together with Berlin (270,000 m²) and Frankfurt (259,000 m²), which achieve comparable results at mid-year, continues to be the most attractive logistics region. Not only the volume, which is 31 % above the long-term average and 37 % above the comparable prior-year result, is pleasing, but also the number of deals, which is at a comparable level with the exceptionally strong record year 2016. By contrast, the share of new buildings is clearly below average (44 %), a figure that is traditionally very high in the Ruhr region. On the other hand, nearly 56% of take-up is accounted for by the stock segment, which suggests that there is a shortage of attractive new construction sites, which is why users are increasingly relying on existing properties.

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