The logistics market in the Ruhr region continues to demonstrate its high level of attractiveness in the crisis year of 2020 and achieves the second-best result ever recorded with a take-up of 669,000 m². Compared to the previous year and the long-term average, it recorded significant increases of 51 % and almost 36 % respectively, so that only the result from 2016 (915,000 m²) was even higher due to individual very large-volume deals. The belief in the market and the region - even in economically challenging times - is also underlined by the high volume in the new construction segment, which was able to expand its take-up share from the previous year with an increase of 69 %. Worthy of mention in this context is the major deal concluded by the retail company TEDI, which has already moved into parts of the logistics units totalling 78,000 m² in P3 Park Kamen in parallel with the construction work. This deal, as well as the new distribution centre being built for DSV in Duisburg harbour (54,000 m²) and the letting to DHL (39,000 m²) in Bergkamen, contributed to the average volume per deal being very high at almost 20,000 m².
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