At a Glance Q1 2021

Logistics market Stuttgart

Logistikmarkt Stuttgart


The Stuttgart market for storage and logistics space once again recorded a pleasing result at the beginning of the year. With a take-up of 45,000 m², the previous year's volume was just missed, but it is still a remarkable 25 % above the long-term average. Since the outbreak of the Corona pandemic, the Stuttgart logistics market has proved to be extremely stable. Even if some industries are temporarily experiencing somewhat lower demand due to the difficult economic conditions, the strongly expanding e-commerce sector is able to compensate for this gap in demand to a large extent. As a result, a clear surplus in demand can be observed, especially for spaces with more than 3,000 m² and a modern quality fit-out. Demand in the immediate vicinity of the conurbations is also increasing due to e-commerce companies and the growing importance of last-mile logistics. New buildings by owner-occupiers were again of particular importance for the Swabian metropolis in the first quarter, accounting for 56 % of the result.

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