- The Stuttgart logistics market reports a brilliant take-up of 155,000 m² at the end of the first half-year. The overall good result of the previous year was exceeded by around 82% and the latest performance is clearly above average.
- The market is characterised by a broad demand, which is underlined by the analysis of demand by sector and size categories. A clear surplus in demand is captured for the entire market area. Large-scale vacancies in stock sector continue to be rare, so that companies are opting for space outside the metropolitan region due to a lack of short-term alternatives. Increasingly, the triangle between Stuttgart, Karlsruhe and Rhine-Neckar is being considered as a potential new location.
- Although the supply shortage is the market-dominating factor as well as the high construction costs are keeping the prime rent under pressure, it still remains at 7.10 €/m² for the second quarter in a row.
- Big deals accounted for almost 70% of take-up at mid-year, which is not at all typical for the Stuttgart market. Especially large owner-occupier transactions stood out here, above all the 40,000 m² deal concluded by REWE in Bondorf and by Breuninger for 22,000 m² in the district of Ludwigsburg. All contracts beyond 12,000 m² were concluded in the periphery, which impressively underlines the shortage of supply within the core area in this segment.
- The above-mentioned large deals by REWE and Breuninger made a significant contribution to the above-average performance of retail companies (44 % market share). Various deals between 10,000 and 20,000 m² are responsible for the strong performance of the manufacturing sector, which contributes just under 28 % of take-up.
- Typical of Stuttgart: the owner-occupier share (53%) is very high by national standards.
- The Stuttgart logistics market is extremely lively. Various factors are interfering, first and foremost the efforts now being made by many companies to restructure their supply chains, to restructure production processes and also to meet changing customer behaviour (keyword: e-commerce). The strong local economy with its broad industrial base is the starting point for the current dynamic development in the logistics market. Accordingly, an annual result above the long-term average is most likely.
- The supply bottleneck will remain, as project developments are quickly absorbed and the designation of new sites is often difficult and protracted. Many companies will continue to examine alternative locations in and outside the periphery.
- Prime rents should continue to rise in the second half of the year.
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Publisher and copyright: BNP Paribas Real Estate GmbH | Prepared by: BNP Paribas Real Estate Consult GmbH | Status:: 30.06.2022
Further Information: Christopher Raabe, Head of Logistics & Industrial | Phone +49 (0)40-348 48-0
Photo credits: Adobe Stock / Aleksei; Zixp@ck; Oliver Schöning