At a Glance Q1 2021

Office investment market Germany

Büro-Investmentmarkt Deutschland


Although the current environment for office investments remains challenging due to the ongoing corona pandemic, a solid transaction volume was achieved at the start of the year. Around €3.49 billion was invested in office properties nationwide. The result shows that market participants have a high level of confidence in German office locations despite the ongoing discussion about the expected development of home office shares. One of the reasons for this is that office space demand has picked up noticeably again. In a comparison of asset classes, office properties therefore continue to be very popular with investors and once again account for the largest share of commercial investment volume, at around 34%, well ahead of logistics (20%) and retail (15%). The fact that the exceptionally good result of the previous year was missed by around 44% is largely due to the significantly lower portfolio investment volume (only 8%), which in Q1 2020 was  heavily influenced by the takeover of TLG by Aroundtown. Lately, single deals dominated the market with a share of just under 92%. A total of seven sales of individual properties have already been recorded in the triple-digit million range.

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