At a Glance Q3 2020

Office market Düsseldorf

Büromarkt Düsseldorf


Although the Corona pandemic and the lockdown in the second quarter had a strong impact on the Düsseldorf office market, letting activity was slightly higher in the third quarter of this year. With a take-up of 225,000 m², the long-term average was missed by 24%. The results for the separate quarters demonstrate the Corona effect: in Q1, 112,000 m² of office space was taken up almost as much as in the six months afterwards (113,000 m²). Also in the third quarter many companies still act cautiously and planned leases have been postponed in selected cases for the time being. This restraint is particularly evident in the size segments above 5,000 m², which have made a below-average contribution to overall take-up in the year to date.

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