At a Glance Q3 2021

Office market Düsseldorf

Büromarkt Düsseldorf


The Düsseldorf office market achieved an overall moderate result by the end of the third quarter. With 212,000 m², the long-term average was missed by 26.5%. The already weak result of the previous year was also undercut by just under 6%. However, the relatively low take-up somewhat hides the fact that the market is certainly lively. By the end of September, for example, almost 370 deals had been registered, which is even more than in the record year 2019. In addition, a clear revival of the market in terms of take-up has also become apparent in the past three months. With 104,000 m², take-up in the third quarter alone was roughly the same as in the previous six months. This recovery is attributable not least to two major transactions: On the one hand, the BIMA has leased a good 12,600 m² in Lichtenbroich for the Hauptzollamt. Secondly, Alltours is expected to move into its new 10,600 m² headquarters on the Rheinuferpromenade in 2023.

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