At a Glance Q1 2022

Residential investment market Germany

Wohn-Investmentmarkt Deutschland


After the extraordinary record year of 2021, the residential investment market took a small breathing spell and started the new year in a more subdued manner. In the first three months of the current year, German residential portfolios of 30 units or more accounted for an investment volume of €4 billion. Compared with the previous year's period, this represents a decline of almost 38%, also missing the ten-year average by 28%. However, this result, which appears moderate at a first glance, is not due to a lack of demand, but to the fact that no large deals above the €200 million mark have been completed yet. By contrast, the market segment between EUR 10 and 100 million generated a combined total of €2.47 billion, representing the second-best result of the last ten years and exceeding the average volume by roughly 50%. This result highlights how lively the markets have been, apart from mega transactions that have been seen in recent years. This conclusion is also supported by the fact that more than 90 transactions involving a total of almost 19,000 residential units have already been registered.

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