At a Glance Q4 2021

Residential investment market Germany

Wohn-Investmentmarkt Deutschland


After three already very good quarters for the German residential investment market, the last quarter of 2021 finally ensured a new record turnover. In the year as a whole, just under €51 billion was invested in larger residential properties (30 units or more) across Germany, more than half of this in the fourth quarter alone. By far the biggest deal and volume driver was Vonovia's takeover of Deutsche Wohnen, which was included in the results at over €22 billion. However, even without this exceptional deal, the last three months were extremely buoyant and would have secured the record result nonetheless. Other major deals, such as the Akelius acquisition by Heimstaden for around €5 billion, also contributed to the record sales. However, the fact that the new record is not only attributable to major mergers and acquisitions is shown by the fact that a new all-time high was also set in the segment up to €100 million. At around €9.76 billion, the previous record from 2017 was also exceeded in this market segment by 20%. Investor confidence in the German residential markets therefore remains high at all levels, a fact not altered by the renewed upturn in corona infections. The focus for investors is clearly on the positive, long-term prospects.

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