At a Glance Q4 2020

Investment market Düsseldorf

Investmentmarkt Düsseldorf


With an investment volume of €3.6 billion in 2020, the Düsseldorf investment market can report the third-best result in its history. The market picked up considerable momentum in the final quarter, with turnover almost doubling compared with the third quarter to just under €1.2 billion. Most of all the long-term analysis underscores the current strength of the Düsseldorf market: the result from the fourth quarter of 2020 ranks among the top five quarterly results, and the annual result in 2020, which was marked by the Corona pandemic, is 36.5% above the ten-year average. Hardly any other top German location presented itself as solidly in 2020 as the Düsseldorf market, which missed its top result of 2019 by only 12.5%. Individual deals accounted for 77% of the investment volume and thus proportionately as much as in the previous year (76%).

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