At a Glance Q2 2020

Logistics market Düsseldorf

Logistikmarkt Düsseldorf


After a busy start to the year on the Düsseldorf market for warehouse and logistics space, the effects of the Corona crisis are clearly reflected in the half-year results. With a take-up of 70,000 m² the long-term average was missed by 36%. At the same time, however, the result was only 6,000 m² below the figure for the same period last year. A take-up of 18,000 m² recorded for the second quarter illustrates how the corona pandemic and the week-long lockdown affected market activities. Against the backdrop of the looming recession, many companies have temporarily postponed their investment and expansion plans and the associated leasing of new warehouse space. Given this temporary decline in demand and the long-standing shortage of supply of space with modern logistics equipment, the low level of market activity in the second quarter is not surprising. Especially the size segment above 12,000 m², which usually makes a considerable contribution to the result, has not yet been able to record a deal.

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