The Stuttgart warehouse and logistics market achieved a take-up of 120,000 m² in 2024, which is 38 % below the previous year's result and 37 % below the ten year average. This weaker figure is mainly due to the fact that no large-scale rental agreements have currently been signed.
Against the backdrop of the weak economic development, however, it is worth noting that demand in the small and medium-sized segments is quite lively and is above the long-term average. The biggest deal of the year was the expansion
of a production company's logistics centre in Ludwigsburg, which accounted for 14,000 m² of take-up. -
On the supply side, a slight increase in available space can be observed due to new build space that has not yet been let and existing space that is becoming vacant. Particularly in the large-scale sector, companies tend to delay relocation
and expansion plans and wait for the economy to develop further. This means that rental agreements for existing space are being extended rather than new halls being rented. This demand trend has an indirect effect on the supply side. -
In 2024, the prime rent rose slightly to €8.30 per m² in the first quarter and subsequently stabilised at this level. The average rent rose by 2 % and stood at € 6.25 per m² at the end of the year.