At a Glance Q4 2022

Office market Germany

Büromarkt Deutschland


The German office markets held their ground convincingly in a difficult environment in 2022. Take-up in the eight locations Berlin, Düsseldorf, Essen, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Cologne, Leipzig and Munich amounted to a good 3.4 million m² at the end of the year. The previous year's result (also 3.4 million m²) was thus matched and is in line with the long-term average also. At the end of the year, however, the office markets were not able to evade the influence of the clearly cooling economic development. With the exception of Düsseldorf, where leasing activity accelerated again significantly at the end of the year, all major locations had to register in partly noticeable declines in take-up compared to the previous quarter.  


The PDF download contains an overview of the key figures for the Germany 2022 office market and the detailed table of key figures at submarket level can be accessed via the following link.

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