At a Glance Q1 2020

Retail investment market Germany

Retail-Investmentmarkt Deutschland


The Corona pandemic, which has dominated the headlines since mid-March, in particular due to the shutdown of retail stores, the discourse on the suspension of rental payments and confirmed and imminent bankruptcies, was not yet reflected in the results of the retail investment market in the first quarter. Quite the contrary: at €4.86 billion, the first three months of the year actually produced an excellent result, almost 92 % above the previous year's figure and 79 % above the long-term average. However, such a high turnover was only made possible by an enormously strong portfolio segment, which generated € 3.36 billion and thus 69 % of the total volume. In this context, the take over of the retail park and specialist store expert TLG Immobilien AG by Aroundtown, is notable. Even if single deals with around €1.5 billion remain slightly below the average of the past ten years, around 100 registered transactions in this segment nevertheless indicate lively market activity at the beginning of the year.

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