In a Nutshell Q3 2024

Retail Letting Market Germany

Retailmarkt Deutschland 2020

High number of lettings and openings with numerous market entries on the German retail market

The nationwide retail market can look back on a dynamic letting activity in the first three quarters: with almost 650 lettings and openings registered in the first nine months of the current year, almost 10 % more contracts were signed than at the end of the third quarter of 2023. The fact that take-up was at the same time lower than in the same period of the previous year is primarily due to the very large-scale contracts signed by Modehaus Aachener in 2023. In total, the related rental agreements of the Modehaus Aachener, most of which were concluded in former Galeria shops, accounted for a volume of around 100,000 m². In the meantime, however, these shops have already closed again or are on the verge of closing and some have already been re-let. If these contracts are consequently not taken into account in the very high result for the first three quarters of 2023 (around 450,000 m²), the current take-up of a good 360,000 m² would even be slightly above the previous year's result (around 350,000 m² excluding Modehaus Aachener).


1A-cities: Berlin, Düsseldorf, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Cologne, Munich, Stuttgart